Monday, November 2, 2009

Josh "Smells" Good!

Dave Wege wrote today:

Mr. Witte, Sir!

Today Dave showed up to take Josh to the hospital at 7:30 a.m. There Josh took a "smell" test that is being given to military personnel who have suffered concussions. There is a concern that severe concussions can destroy the sense of smell, which would cause some really negative impacts on a person's life. The sense of smell is directly related to the sense of taste and contributes to the enjoyment of food. among other things. Josh passed with a score of 40/40. No one to whom the doctor gave the test had ever managed a perfect score. After this test, Josh headed to PT with his nurse. The staff and the patients in the PT room are nothing short of amazing. So many torn bodies hold the fighting spirits of so many wounded warriors! They are all so positive, but Josh received special notice for high spirits from several volunteers and specialists with whom he came into contact. He's still a tough Marine! When the physical therapist gave him a choice of moderate or more strenuous exercises, Josh, of course, chose the hardest possible. His strength is coming back quickly, along with an incredible increase in the range of motion in his "bad" left leg. He said he loves PT! At the root of it all, of course, is his desire to get up on his feet and home again. He told me that he wants to walk into a room where he can thank all of you who have done so much for him and the family. At noon we returned to Walter Reed for an official dismissal from the hospital. That, too, has happened quickly. We give all thanks to God for His gracious care in all of these things! He controls the minute details of our lives in a way that gives us an ability to persevere.

Kay spent the late morning getting the details of Josh's medication so that Joe and Josh can have an easier time of administering them. She made the process so simple that even Dave can figure it out.

As we continue to take our family's situation day be day, we rejoice in the support given by family and friends. How awesome were the reports shared with us by the good people at Culver's and Ransom's. The support demonstrated at the recent fundraisers cause us to be humbled and even a little embarrassed by all of the attention! We thank you all.

May God bless you. To Him be the glory!
the Weges

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