So, this morning I took it along to Faith and was going to record both services. Halfway through the 1st service I realized that I never took the recorder out of my pocket! So, between services I did a little reading of the manual (which I NEVER do), popped in new AA batteries, and handed the recorder to a gentleman in the congregation who I knew wouldn't be afraid of technology, and went about directing the Traveling Choir. I was eager to get home and listen to the recordings just to see if it worked right out of the box.
Well, listen for yourself–I think not only did the recording go well, but TC sang very well this morning!
- This is My Word (Pepper Choplin)
- This Little Light of Mine (arr. Dale Witte)
- The King of Love (arr. Daniel Kallmann)
- In Christ Alone (Keith Getty & Stuart Townend, arr. Angerman)
- O Christ the Same (arr. Dale Witte)
- Witness (arr. Jack Halloran)
Thanks, Dale! Happy to hear you have a new toy - it has provided me with new music to download! :) It makes a very listen-able (is that word?) recording. I do love 'In Christ Alone.' Can't have too many versions. Have you listened to the one by Travis Cottrell on YouTube? He adds the lines from the hymn, 'My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less' - "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.